Be Happy, It’s Earth Day

waveguide logoIt’s Earth Day, a perfect opportunity to note what’s working and to be greener in 2014. Waveguide shines a virtual spotlight on a few innovators who are finding solutions to make a better planet for us all.

Recovered Energy is a company in Idaho that has begun accepting CRT glass at their facilities in Idaho and Florida with the hopes of selling recovered lead and donating de-leaded glass to various municipalities by mid-2015.

Earth911 is a very cool company that has created an app to help consumers find nearby recycling options for their products. Their website has a lot of great info to help us all reduce our waste footprint every day.

California has put together many resources calling attention to Earth Day. Check out CalRecycle for events.

There are now recycling conferences where pros come together to find ways to eliminate and reduce e-waste: the E-Scrap Conference October 21-23, 2014, in Orlando and the Plastics Recycling Conference February 24-25, 2015, in Dallas.

The Consumer Electronics Association is having a Twitter discussion on recycling old devices on April 23 from 8 – 9 pm Eastern, #CEAgreen.

No time to Tweet? How about looking in your own “storage” room – at home or work. Sims Recycling, a global electronics reuse and recycling company, reminds us that devices lose their value over time, so the sooner you recycle the more value they may have.

There are likely even more good ideas coming in June when InfoComm International recognizes the 2014 Sustainable Technology Award winners. Share your success by submitting an application by May 9.

Let’s keep accentuating the positive and let’s Go Green. Happy Earth Day.

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