Add another green building to the nation’s capital. Sutherland Asbill & Brennan’s Washington, D.C., office was recently designated USGBC LEED Silver. Plenty of green attributes are evident, from the site being close to public transportation to optimized HVAC and lighting controls.
Another key to the building’s comfort and performance is the prevalence of videoconferencing spaces. The new digs feature 16 videoconferencing spaces as well as a telepresence room, all controlled by an AV master control system.
Sutherland’s D.C. office is another example of how leading law firms are using videoconferencing to span multiple time zones and meet virtually with ease and hyper-efficiency. It’s not only green, it’s a smart way to manage clients and billings.
Waveguide provided AV and acoustics consulting for Sutherland’s D.C. law office. You could say we are green with pride about teaming with Gensler and Sutherland on another smart project.